
The Rights Of Minority Rights

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The founding fathers feared that setting up a democracy where the power is all in the hands of the majority would allow the majority to take control over everyone else in the country. This would directly cause a denial of rights of minorities. Thomas Jefferson said in his inaugural address, “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression”(1). Although defying majority rule may anger the people the government 's most important duty is to protect minority rights rather than following majority rule. The worst result that could occur would be to deny minority rights because of a lack of government protection.
Although a democracy is focused on majority rule the rights of the minorities must not be ignored. A principle of democracy is that everyone receives equal opportunities in order to fight to become the majority. By protecting minority rights we are protecting the individual. Our government was set up giving rights to every person so that everyone can have an equal opportunity. For example the right to freedom of speech gives minority groups the opportunity to voice their complaints and cause a positive change from the government. If minorities are not given the right to voice their opinion and fight to become a majority they will never be on an equal

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