
The Ripple Effect Of European Colonization Of America

Decent Essays

It has often been said that the European colonization of America was motivated by, gold, God, and glory. It was an exciting chance to explore new lands and to claim them for your country, to get rich! These motives are what drove many Europeans into the uncharted and unknown lands of America. These people were looking for untold amounts of riches, they were looking for unsaved heathen souls to reap for the Church, and they were looking to make a name for themselves, to go down into history as legends. Some fulfilled these goals, others didn’t. However, even though some Europeans didn’t find what they were looking for, or couldn’t get what they were looking for, they had caused a ripple effect throughout the Americas that would rock every single …show more content…

Common people saw the New World as an opportunity to get rich fast, and countries saw this opportunity as a way to control the New World by taking all of the wealth in the region, and to assert their dominance by setting up colonies and by sending raiding parties, (like Spain’s conquistadors) to pillage the landscape and take everything and anything of value or importance. This was the large collections of gold, silver, bronze, and other precious metals located in the native’s cities and settlements, which the Europeans had quickly taken a large portion if not all of the gold from these people in the region. With these constant raids on the natives, it had taken a huge toll on life and infrastructure as the Europeans destroyed everything, and killed everyone that stood in their way of gold and riches. The Aztecs even compared the Spanish to pigs when it came to gold and other valuables, how they can never have enough of the metals, and how hungry they are for it. In the aftermath of all this madness and bloodshed, the natives were left with nothing. They could no longer support themselves and were forced to give up their indigenous ways and beliefs, all because some Europeans came over and took everything, all in the name of God and of the …show more content…

When the missionaries had landed in the New World, they had begun converting natives to their religion, Christianity. Some adopted this peacefully, others did not and it was forcibly brought down upon them. Those who had resisted this were tortured until they converted, while others still refused and were killed. Over the course of a few hundred years, a lot of Catholic churches have sprung up all around in Central America, and even later into California. These missionaries were so successful that even large native tribes started converting altogether, with the Aztecs even paying tribute to the Spanish and to their newly adopted religion, as shown in the drawing, “An Aztec View of the Conquest” This whole new “crusade’’ was a key inspirational topic that drove many Europeans to the Americas to convert the masses of natives. That is how God ties into the European Colonization of

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