
The Rise Of Caodaism In Vietnam

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In the spiritual life of Vietnamese, religions such as Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam are the mainstream. Each religion has similarities with the ethnic believes in Vietnam. Nevertheless, one religion emerged and rose in an unimaginable rate during the twentieth century —- Caodaism. It soon became Vietnam’s third largest religion after Buddhism and Roman Catholicism. The rapid rise of Caodaism is strongly related to its susceptible fundamental doctrines, combination of various social groups, and strong historical context. From the French colonization and empiricism of Japan, to the establishment of Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Caodaism played an important political role thoroughly, and these events also deeply influenced the fate fo Caodaism.

Brief Introduction of Caodaism: Caodaoism was born in the province of Tay Ninh, Vietnam in 1026, after its founder Ngô Văn Chiêu, a district head of the French administration in Cochinchina, received a vision of the Divine Eye. Divine Eye was perceived as the focus for worship on all Cao Dai alters in the culture of Caodaism. The word Cao Dai, literally meaning “Highest Power,” is believed to be the supreme being who had created the whole universe by the Caodaists. The full …show more content…

There were fewer services to hold, sometimes Few services were held, sometimes a few older women were allowed to guard the temple grounds, and the schools, clinics, orphanages and work- shops associated with these groups were nationalized. People who had Dao Mau home temples could have their statues and altars taken away if the sounds of ritual music were heard, so many people said they “worshipped in silence and in darkness.” Not solving this problem at all, Caodaism leaders suggested a more introspective, meditative practice, “turning in” rather than seeking to recruit new members or hold large

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