
The Rise Of Civilizations On Egypt And Mesopotamia

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The rise of civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia occurred around the same time and the environment and natural forces affected the similarities and differences in social, political, and economic stability. There were many similarities and differences between both of these countries as well. In both cases, it was the river valley and geography that affected the agriculture, religious views, and government structures. The Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization developed in the Middle East and were located by the river. Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and Euphrates, while Egypt was located near the Nile River. Due to the location of these civilizations, they relied heavily on its surrounding environments. Mesopotamian civilization was a unique culture and created the world’s first set of laws. The Egyptian civilization naturally was a very strong society because of the environment it was surrounded with. They lived in the Sahara Desert and in the harsh environment they inherently adapted as a tough group of people. Both civilizations developed similarly because of the same environment they were in. Mesopotamia’s social classes varied overtime and place. The gender roles are very similar to most of the population; the woman played the housewife while the husband provided for the family (Sayre). Egyptians also had a similar but more powerful mindset when it came to gender roles; Egyptian males dominated the world whereas women had minimum output (Sayre). Politics

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