
The Rise Of Social Media And Apps

Decent Essays

The rise of Social Media and apps have promised to connect people together, to unite the public in an intricate community of billions of individuals, sharing their experiences through Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and more. However, the creators left a valid point out of their presentation. Social Media, though easily accessible and quick to latch onto, is seamlessly taking away normal “social” interactions. Social Media is not social because there is no physical relationship, there is no accuracy in identification, and it captures your attention away from events occurring in the “real world.” Social media accomplishes two awful things: It invites people to hold up shields and rise up masks with no consequence at all. …show more content…

A man named Doctor Provetti came together with a group of computer engineers and programming to understand where the ties are being lost. They admitted that “The experiments we conducted on a Facebook sample of 957,000 users and randomly generated graphs highlight the role and importance of weak ties. We characterized the overall statistical distribution of weak ties as a function of the size of a community and its density. We studied their role in information-diffusion processes, with results suggesting a connection between our definition of weak ties for OSNs and Mark Granovetter’s original definition” (Provetti, pg. 2).
Even though they attempted to conduct a concise understanding of popular social cites in general, they could not summarize the basic need for human contact. One pattern they recorded was the need for physical touch, and that even intricate relationships online cannot provide for this basic human need. It is essential for correct communication. It is understood that the human language is a complex, diverse combination of verbal communication and physical cues that are hard to replicate over a computer or phone screen. Things like a basic hand shake, to a longing hug, to a passionate kiss, are all lost in translation or dimmed in the light of the screen. Humanity cannot thrive if people overlook the importance of physical touch, proven by Ray Williams, the president of a psychology

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