
The Rising Of The Decembrist Russia

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The rising of the Decembrist Russia was due to a confusion over the next succession. In 1825, Alexander I died suddenly. Alexander 's younger brother, Constantine, who was next in line, had no desire to assume the throne of such a burdensome empire, so he gave his right of succession to his brother Nicholas. Nicholas, however, had been left unaware of the official details of the change and on learning of Alexander 's death he proclaimed Constantine emperor at St. Petersburg, at the same time as Constantine in Warsaw was proclaiming Nicholas. For nearly three weeks in December 1825 the throne remained vacant. Russian officers and troops had come into contact with currents of liberal thought, with new social conditions, and with new political institutions in western Europe during the struggle against Napoleon. Upon their return home they saw that the idea of the rights of man was regarded with contempt by their rulers, that their country by trodden under the heel of an autocracy which made all progress impossible. As they had no legitimate means making their desires known, they organised secret societies which agitated for reforms, including the establishment of a constitution. These societies, afterwards called the Decembrists, were planning a widespread uprising but, when Alexander suddenly died, resolved to take advantage of the uncertainty that existed regarding the succession to attempt a coup d 'etat. But the plotters had no clear plan or organisation and had made no

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