
The Road Not Taken Vs. Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Decent Essays

Every person has two choices in life. Whichever plan you decide to take will determine your future forever. In the poem, The Road Not Taken the speaker decides which road they will take which will always affect their life. In the text, Gulf Coast Oil Spill the ocean floors are extremely polluted. Both the poem and the text have a long term impact greatly affected someone’s life, or affected the ocean long term. In the poem The Road Not Taken, the writer Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken is about having to decide which path to take in life. The speaker has a hard time deciding which path to take. The speaker eventually decides to take the path not many people have to taken. The symbolizes that this person would rather live their life different from everyone else. The author writes the poem in a certain way which is influenced by the setting. The setting is taken place in in a grassy area with two rads to chose from. The speaker infers that the they could make the wrong decision when choosing. Whichever road is taken your life will be changed long term. In the nonfiction text, Gulf Coast Oil Spill, the setting is very different and similar from the poem in The Road Not Taken. The setting in Gulf Coast Oil Spill is set in the ocean floor off the coast of the United …show more content…

Many people struggle in which path to take in life. Personally, I struggle with what path to take in life too. I find it difficult to decide what I want in life in the moment. The author Robert Frost makes it clear, that it’s fine to take a different path from other people. Everyone has different interests and it's good to have a variety rather than everyone being the same. This personally influenced me to be more open minded, rather than sticking to what I only know. The world has so much more to offer than just what some people find interesting. As stated in the poem, taking the path less traveled by, can make all the

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