
The Role Of Congressmen In Congress

Decent Essays

The power to make laws is chief among the enumerated powers of the legislature, and arguably the most important facet of the national government. So, the process and procedures for how bills become law would then be foolish to ignore. That process involving the bi-cameral legislature and the president was roughly spelled out in the first article of the constitution, and was perfected as issues arose throughout our history. Before anything else can even be considered, a congressman must propose the bill. Under our republican government, no one but an elected representative can propose the bill, but anyone can draft them. The president, or any other citizens can write as many bill as they want, but unless they get a congressman to propose it, it won’t ever reach the speaker. It is the role of the speaker of the house to read all proposed bills, and then send them along to their appropriate committees. It is important to remember that the speaker is a person, and a partisan one too, so whichever party is represented in the speaker’s chair has a huge advantage. Among the many tactics for delaying a bill, the speaker can simply not get to assign a bill in time for it to do anything useful, and it dies there. …show more content…

There are many kinds of committees in congress, there can be permanent standing committees that have focuses on more permanent issues where bills would need to be sent every session, or less permanent select committees that may only meet to deal with specific issues. Each committee is split with the majority party having the majority of members. After the bill is finished being drafted, members vote on whether or not to send it on to the floor for

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