
The Role Of Home Care Nursing Essay

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This “Well Elder” project began in October with the goal of becoming familiar with a well elder living in the community, in their own home. The purpose was to apply a few of the clinical concepts learned throughout the course such as: clinical judgement, patient education, coping, functional ability and mobility, nutrition, communication, and safety. The experience that the student should achieve is that of a nurse in the role of home care nursing. In this paper, I will be discussing the psychosocial needs, physiological needs, and nursing concepts such as patient education and clinical judgment of my Well Elder, whom I will refer to as Lola. On the first day that I met Lola, I was greeted by a strong looking lady who seemed to be in her early fifties; I was astonished to know that she was seventy-one years old. Lola had been living in the Philippines for most of her life, she moved to America in 2008, as a widow, where she established her life with her daughter and son-in-law in a two floor single family home in Joliet, Illinois. Lola has been fortunate to have had very few health problems over the years. She is independent, eats well, and keeps herself occupied by working as a home health caregiver. Psychosocial Needs Assessing Lola revealed a few family health problems including diabetes and heart failure. Although these conditions do not pertain to Lola currently, it became a necessity to teach Lola the dietary precautions that must be taken to prevent the occurrence

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