
The Role Of Homelessness In Raising The Roof

Decent Essays

By creating characters that connected real individuals to the real issues of being homeless, it was Raising the Roof’s intention to attempt to change the conversation around the topic of homelessness. The ‘Mean Tweets’ campaign ran across several Raising the Roof channels. Print advertisements could be found on the organization’s Twitter page, offering links to YouTube videos that would expand on homelessness issues and myths. In one Twitter post discussing the Humans for Humans campaign, Raising the Roof said “Of all the #MeanTweets, these are the most damaging. Change the conversation @ [link] #HumansforHumans”, this organization uses their Twitter account as a means to connect users to their other platforms where more information is offered regarding their missions and values (RaisingTheRoof, 2015). …show more content…

In her presentation, Raising the Roof employee Caitlin Boros, mentioned that when most individuals think of a homeless individuals they often refer to an older, white male who is delirious or under the influence of drugs or alcohol (Boros, 2016). The Humans for Humans campaign video, features several different individuals who are are homeless, males and females, old and young. The demographics represented in this video serves to educate the audience on the many faces and ages of homelessness. This strategy of building character also an effort to make the viewers

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