
The Role Of Mental Illness In Children And Adolescence

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Mental Illness in Children and Adolescence Awareness to numerous mental illnesses has gained notoriety, though somehow countless children fall through the cracks. This is problematic when statistics are on the rise. Not only are adults left in the shadows, even children. So, how are kids going unnoticed and how are disorders increasing amongst the youth? Unfamiliarity causes parents failure to recognize early signs of mental illness. Schools with less money don’t have the proper equipment to handle children with behavioral disorders, eventually the children are suspended or drop out. Those with depression and anxiety disorders keep to themselves, leaving their struggles unoticable. It is estimated that a 46.4% of Americans will be diagnosed with some type of mental disorder in their lifetime (according to a study done in harvard). Doctors are becoming better at diagnosing mental …show more content…

our societies pace is picking up. It's getting tougher for those raised in less privileged homes. Sense of control in a child’s environment can affect behavior and mood, in fact, it may be the deciding factor whether the child is likely to develop any disorders. Children feel hopeless when abused, neglected, or in the center of divorce. The situation takes control, leaving the child without his or her own voice. “If environmental risk factors for [mental illness] can be validated and confirmed, there is every reason to expect they will point to preventive measures that lower their risks and morbidity.” –Alan Brown, Columbia University Medical Center Additionally, genetic predispositions are part of our amorphous diseases. Even if you grew up with the perfect childhood, you still aren’t safe. It's even possible to have a combination of both causing strong deciding factors. We are dangerously well fit for mental illness.

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