
The Role and Value of Music and Movement in the Early Years

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A theoretical perspective of the role and value of Music and Movement in the Early Years
Music has always been a part of life, there are many theories regarding when and where music originated. Many agree that music began even before man existed. Historiographers point out that there are six periods of music and each period has a particular style of music that greatly contributed to what music is today. (, para 4, Music History 101
Introduction to Music Education, by Espie Estrella)
It is found in every known culture, past and present, wavering strongly between times and places. Music has become a part of life as opportunities are provided for experiences in singing, responding physically to different rhythms, creative expression, playing instruments and quiet listening. Music helps children to understand other people and their cultures and gives increased opportunities for social and emotional development as well as a means for aesthetic enrichment and growth of every child. (Edwards, Bayless & Ramsey, 2009. p.xxi).
Young children are action orientated. Music and movement experiences should be provided and enjoyed in the classroom. It can be beneficial for shy children to play with musical ideas in small groups. Since children are young and are not good at being quiet, they need the freedom to make a joyful noise by singing, playing instruments and making up sing songs and chants as they play and work. Through music and

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