
The Scarlet Ibis Analysis

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Pride can be a fulfilling quality at times, however, it can sometimes be your enemy. It often breeds cruelty. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, written by James Hurst, cruel pride is shown perfectly and tragically. Brother, the narrator, wanted a normal sibling; a partner who he could do leisure activities with. “I thought myself pretty smart at many things, like holding my breath, running, jumping, climbing vines in Old Woman Swamp, and I wanted more than anything else someone to race to Horsehead Landing, someone to box with, and someone to perch within the top fork of the great pine behind the barn, where across the fields and swamps you could see the sea. I wanted a brother.” (Hurst 595). Instead, he was born with “ invalid brother…” (Hurst 595). Ashamed, he killed his wounded brother trying to make him normal.
Pride can takeover your mindset without your awareness. To illustrate, I love bowling. But my siblings, on the other hand, it’s not in their genes. Sometimes when we play on teams, I’d pressure them to get as many pins as they can. I’d get so mad if they lost that I’d yell at them. This particular example showcase my pride and hatred of losing a game to an extreme extent. Brother related to this when they were running home during the destructive hurricane. He raced him thinking that it would trigger his flight or fright responses and would make him run even faster. “The lightning was near now, and from fear, he walked so close behind me he kept stepping on my heels.

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