
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Although times and people change, people’s general thoughts and actions in comparable situations remain timeless. This statement should be considered when determining whether or not The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne should still be including in high school curriculum. Many people argue that it should not be; that the book is outdated and could in no way relate to the lives of the young adults reading the classic novel. In the story, Hester Prynne, a Puritan woman, commits the shameful act of adultery. Since she did in fact commit a sin, Hester is looked down upon by her community and is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her chest as a constant reminder of her actions. Throughout the story, Hester is forced to live and deal with the repercussions of her sin from the townspeople as well the people relating to the sinful action. Although the plot and setting of seventeenth century Massachusetts do not seem to relate to teenagers reading the book, the themes and ideas presented in the novel have eternal messages. Ideas pertaining to deception to maintain a reputation or for protection and the ongoing struggle of being accepted in society are themes that do not have an expiration date. Although The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne could seem like an outdated work of literature as it took place hundreds of years ago, it is still read and taught in high schools due to its portrayal of undying and universal themes. Due to the extreme pride people take in their

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