
The Seafarer And The Wife's Lament Comparison

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"The Seafarer" and "The Wife's Lament" are both stories written in Anglo-Saxon times. They are both stories of exiled and sadness. Altho they're both very different from each other at the same time. "The Seafarer" is a story of a man who exiled himself from everyone else. He goes into details about how he misses the sea and voyaging. The culture he once knew is now changing from pagan to Christian. Altho he's come to term with that change he just misses his past. All he once cared for and loved had died off and that's something hard to get over.He then goes into detail about what a king used to be and what they've become; saying " The weakest survives and the world continues,/ Kept spinning by toil. All glory is tarnished." (Lines 87-88 Raffel).

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