
The Second Parasitic Infection After Malaria

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Schistosomiasis is the second parasitic infection after malaria (kiros et al., 2014) and is a standout amongst the most pervasive and disregarded illnesses of tropical and subtropical areas (rizk and aly, 2015). B. alexandrina snails are the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni (le Clec’h et al. 2016) with high prevalence in Egypt (el-Sheikh et al., 2012). Control of B. alexandrina upsets the life cycle of the parasite (el-Sherbini et al., 2009) and contains a critical component in coordinated methodologies for lessening the spread of schistosomiasis (rocha-Filho et al., 2015). Manufactured molluscicides is an imperative part in the incorporated schistosomiasis control programs. The high cost of these molluscicides and their negative effect on the earth being poisonous to creatures of land and water (salem et al., 2014; world health organization, 2014), have stimulated interest for quest for plant molluscicides (otarigho and morenikeji, 2012; kiros et al. 2014). The medicinal plants represent the main source of molluscicidal agents for B. alexandrina control (el-Sherbini et al., 2009) as these plants are less costly, less unsafe to the earth and having a high level of degradability (salawu and odaibo, 2011; rocha-filho et al., 2015). Moringa oleifera Lamarck (Family: Moringaceae) is an important medicinal plant referred as a miracle tree (radovich, 2009). It is discovered broadly dispersed in both tropical and

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