
Bladder Cancer Essay

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In Egypt, the urinary bladder cancers accounts for 30.3% of all cancers, of which the majority was squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) due to schistosomal infection.[1] But in recent studies decrease in the incidence of SCC and increase transitional cell carcinoma
(TCC) was occurred as result of the control of schistosomal infection , median age of diagnosis increased from 47.4 years to 60.5 years.[2] Bladder tumors Pathological grades of different cell types plays an important prognostic factors for recurrence, progression, and survival. Therefore are critical for the determined the therapeutic approach. [3]
Diffusion-weighted MRI (DW MRI) is a functional imaging technique characterized by their b-values. As tumors have greater …show more content…

Image analysis
The tumor margins and signal intensity were assessed on T2WI and DWI images. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of bladder wall pathologies were measured.
The images analysis was divided into two parts:
Qualitative image analysis:
All MR images were evaluated in T2WI and DWI for site, size, and signal intensity of the tumor , and were interpreted blinded to histopathological information.
Quantitative image analysis:
The ADC measurement is obtained by drawing region of interest (ROI) on the tumor.
Malignancy is suggested at ADC value of about #1X10-3mm2 /s.
Histopathological analysis:
All bladder tumors are classified by a pathologist in accordance with the 1997
International Union Against Cancer system and were defined by using the 1973 World
Health Organization classification.Tumors are classified into three grades: G1, the least degree of anaplasia; G2, an intermediate degree of anaplasia; and G3, severe anaplasia.
Statistical analysis:
To compare the mean ADCs and histologic grade, analysis of variance test (ANOVA) with post Hoc LSD was used , T- test was used to compare between the benign and

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