
The Secret Life Of Bees Book Report

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Do you ever wonder what it would be like to grow up without a mother? In the young adult realistic fiction novel, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd the main character, Lily Owens, runs away from home because of her mean father in order to find out more about her mother. Lily runs away with Rosaleen, her housemaid, after they got into trouble with three racist white men on their way to town. They escape to Tiburon, South Carolina where they stay three black beekeeping sisters. Lily ends up finding out more about her mother while she stays at the sister’s house. The book takes the readers back to 1963 and tells an inspirational story about love. The Secret Life of Bees is an interesting novel because of its setting, characters, conflict, and plot. …show more content…

The book takes place in 1963 in Tiburon, South Carolina and in Sylvan, South Carolina. In the 1960s was when the Civil Rights Protests happened and when Martin Luther King gave his famous “I have a dream” speech. There was a lot of racism towards black people, which is one of the reasons Lily and Rosaleen ended up running away. Lily and Rosaleen were going to town because Rosaleen was going to register herself to vote. On the way to town three racist white men seek trouble and start bothering Rosaleen. In order to defend herself Rosaleen spilled snuff on the man’s shoe. The man wanted Rosaleen to apologize but Rosaleen refused, so the man started hitting her. Rosaleen ended up getting arrested and the white man did not. The police were racist and did not arrest the man because he is white. The time period also affected the Boatwright sisters because some people did not like to buy their honey because it had a black Mary on it. The time period also did not allow Zach and Lily to be together. Zach was black and Lily was white, so they could not

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