
The Secret River By Kate Grenville And William Shakespeare

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How has the Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power?

The Secret River, set in England and Australia, was written by Kate Grenville in 2006. William Shakespeare’s play Othello was written in 1603 and set in Venice. Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power. They have cohesive ideas of power such as the use of structure and symbolism to convey power however, differ in their structure. They both expressed race through the context of the novel, setting, narrative perspective and imagery. However, 17th century english conveyed the idea of difference with greater subtlety than Kate Grenville’s use of modern english . Similarly both texts contain powerful characters, however, these characters are differently placed and different compositional features were used to portray these ideas.

Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare expressed ideas of power through representation of objects as well as the structure and society within the text. Both texts express power through gender, race and class through the main characters. Othello, and William Thornhill play the main roles in these two stories however, the decision that lead to the gain or loss of power were sub-characters; Iago and Smasher. As Smasher’s comment “sterminate them…. only thing is we got to have the Hope to get use their” is how

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