
The Seven Phases Of Serial Killers

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“ Serial killers kill for the power and control they experience during the murders and for the added ego boost they get in the aftermath from community fears, media coverage, and the police investigations.” - Pat Brown. This quote defines the majority of serial killers and is hauntingly true for the Moonlight Murders. The Phantom was made a national icon in Texarkana and the United States which made the Phantom feed on all the attention. One characteristic of a serial killer is that if they are neglected or don’t get the attention they need , later in life they would take the attention of everyone. With everyone making the killings so public this made the Phantom want more publicity. Many people still believe that Swinney could not have committed …show more content…

This is claimed to be the most likely phases of most serial killers. (“Serial Killers” n.pag.) The aura phase is when the killer leaves reality and all their senses are heightened. This could last from a moment to years. The killer could possibly try to abuse alcohol and drugs. The trolling phase are they ways how the killer finds, identifies, and stalks his victim. An example would be when Ted Bundy would get hurt to call attention to himself and lure people to his car. In the Moonlight Murders the Phantom’s trolling phase would be when he posed as law enforcement to trick the people to get out of their car. The wooing phase is when killers gain the confidence helps the killer lure the victim into his trap. The capture phase is when the victim loses the chance to leave. This could include a door locking or a killer knocking the victim unconscious. The Phantom’s capture phase was his gun. The gun put fear in the victims and paralyzed them. They knew if they ran that they would die. The murder phase is when ritual reenactment. The killer is reenacting the bad experience of their childhood, but this time the roles reverse. This must mean that Youell Swinney had a rough childhood where he was abused and neglected. The totem phase is when the killer goes through deep depression after they kill. This is why killers end up killing so much. They feel powerful when they kill so they want more and more so they try to feed their hunger. This explains why Swinney would have to kill so many people because his fantasies were not fulfilled. The depression phase is where the killer still sees the victim and the person who hurt them in the past. The killer is not satisfied and their fantasies are not completed. Youell Swinney had a criminal record, which shows already bad behavior. This bad behavior

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