
The Seventh Man

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On average Japan is severely hit with three typhoons a year. In "The Seventh Man" the main character the seventh man was ten years old and living in a seaside town in Japan. The seventh man lost his nine year old best friend to one of these typhoons. He was there and watched as his best friend K. was carried away by a wave. The death of K. was not the seventh man's fault therefore he should not have survivor guilt. The seventh man was only ten years old when it happened, he would'nt have been able to save K. no matter how hard he tried. K. walked out of his house when he saw the seventh man walking down the road while their town was in the midst of a typhoon, they walked down to the beach together and K. was caught up looking at something on the beach. The seventh man told K. that he needed to move because it was not safe, but K. was not paying attention to the wave coming up behind him. The seventh man ran away from K. yelling. Then the wave came. The seventh man barely had enough time to make it away himself, and with him only being ten he would not have been able to run and save K. without risking his own life too. …show more content…

but he was not listening. K. was too caught up in looking at something that he blocked out the rest of the world. The seventh man continued yelling to K. but still could not get K.'s attention. K. is the one who is at fault in this situation he is the one who did not pay attention. The seventh man tried his hardest to get K. to listen to him. But he wouldn't

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