
The Severity Of Faith-Based Movies

Decent Essays

A common trend you notice with faith-based movies is that many critics tend to be atheists that don’t like to be portrayed as the bad guys so they will normally dump on these types of films. Pure Flix Entertainment does have a tendency to be too preachy with titles like God’s Not Dead but here they have a film The Case for Christ which aims to tell a different story. Based on the book by Lee Strobel, an atheist award-winning investigative journalist goes into an in-depth research trip to attempt to disprove his wife’s newfound Christian faith. Nonbelievers can relax because there is no “us vs them” in this film but actually a film that focuses more empirical evidence to support faith rather than rustling your jim jams.Read more…

Set in 1980, Lee Strobel (Mike Vogel) is a journalist for the Chicago Tribune, while having dinner out with his family; his daughter chokes on a gumball and nearly dies. A local nurse is here to save the day to the delight of a grateful family. Lee’s wife, Leslie (Erika Christensen) believes that divine intervention saved their girls life and begins to turn to the Church. Lee, a hard-line atheist disapproves of his wife new venture and decides to embark on a quest to disprove Christianity by studying the death of Jesus Christ and debunking whether the resurrection actually happened. …show more content…

Vogel and Christensen display two roads of the highway to born-again Christianity. In the film, Leslie takes more of a leap of faith stance as she believes that the nurse that saved her daughter’s life was not there by chance but by an act of God. Lee is much more stubborn understandably so as in his mind, there is no way that Christianity can be legit. Lee becomes troubled by experts that he respects showing that he stance isn’t as bulletproof as he thought and then struggles to accept what’s in front of

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