
Essay about The Shakespeare Authorship Debate

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The Shakespeare Authorship Debate Although William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the most revered and well-renowned authors of all time, controversy surrounds the belief that he actually produced his own literary works. Some rumors even go so far as to question the reality of such a one, William Shakespeare, brought on by paralleling the quality of his pieces with his personal background and education. With such farfetched allegations, it persuaded others to peek into the person we all are taught to learn as “Shakespeare”, but who is actually the person behind these genius works of literary promise and enlightenment? To some, Shakespeare is as much accredited to his works as frequently as you see his name placed. To others, …show more content…

The Oxford Arguments are segments of[] and are details analyzing each key argument about Shakespeare, in an attempt to portray a viable way to express information pertaining to the arguments. The following is taken from an argument regarding Shakespeare’s illiteracy: The Illiteracy argument suggests that the Bard's own literacy may not have been high. This is backed up the very circumstantial evidence that William's father could neither read, nor write. His own daughter Judith, could only manage writing an X on her marriage certificate. Further proof comes from anecdotal evidence that the few signature's of the Bard that remain today only show a poor scrawl, hardly representative of a major literary figure. Furthermore Oxfordian's correctly point out that there are no manuscripts of Shakespeare's plays in his own writing whereas many of his counterparts left behind a legacy of notes and scrawls related to their work.” The only guaranteed items that have been verified as actual Shakespeare-related pieces are 6 signatures found on various official documents and his final will and testament. Detailed in the script of his handwriting, it was easily determinable that Shakespeare was clearly

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