
The Short Story Of The Lottery And A Rose For Emily

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Tradition and character are what defines a person’s behavior. Tradition is a way people connect to each other. It is a way people get to know what the traditional life of the old generation was. It is also a way many people can learn a lesson from. It is the reason why people do things. Character is the mental and moral qualities that distinguish an individual from others. All over the globe, people have different traditions and characters. Even though “Tradition and “Character” are mostly positive, Sometimes they might be used in a negative way that can be dangerous and may portray their positiveness. The short stories of “The Lottery” and “A Rose for Emily”, deal with this conflict. The main comparisons between the two stories are the characters and how the communities seem to be stuck in the past in the form of tradition. William Faulkner begins the story by describing the characters of Miss Emily. He divides the story into five parts which all talk about the life of Miss Emily. At the first part, he describes her as, “A tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town.” (Faulkner 217). He further discusses that Miss Emily not wanting to pay any taxes to the city until the Board of Aldermen had called a special meeting about the issue. But Miss Emily kept saying that she had no taxes to pay what so ever and tells her servant, the Negro, to “show the gentlemen out.” (Faulkner 218). She did not show any respect and manner for the Aldermen. The

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