
The Sirens In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

The Siren’s Challenge Temptation, whether literally tempting fate, beckoning self resistance, or succumbing to curiosity, leads men to recklessly experience the pitfall of temptation. In “The Odyssey”, Odysseus constantly succumbs to his deep curiosity and desire of wisdom and glory, directing him to obstacles along with situations. Odysseus lives by his self assured cleverness and courage, he is an intellect that is willing to pay the price of knowledge. Odysseus’ intellectual curiosity drives him to listen to the Siren’s song despite Circe warning “but if you are bent on hearing, have them tie you hand and foot” (Odyssey 12.50-60). In the episode The Sirens, Odysseus is foretold that he must steer clear of the Sirens, they posses a persuasive voice that lures men to their deaths. Odysseus is instructed by Circe to “slice beeswax down into pieces, knead them” (12.188-189), then obstruct his comrades ears one by one with the wax so they remain protected from the Siren’s song. However, Odysseus remained exposed , consequently instructing his comrades to bind him to the mast of the ship with tight ropes. His comrades followed instructions vowing to not release him regardless of his insisting. As they set sail, he alone heard the Siren’s song flowing …show more content…

By shedding light on his tendencies the reader can witness the character’s progression to maturity in the remainder of the novel. The theme that is enhanced is Odysseus’ thirst for recognition on being the first to survive to recount the tale of the Siren’s song as a wiser man. He succumbs to the pitfall of temptation by creating obstacles that arise out of pure weakness and his inability to control his curiosity. His submission to recklessness temptation sidetracks Odysseus and the members of his crew from completing their nostos or homecoming while angering the

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