
The Situation Between Latvia And Russia During World War II Essay

Decent Essays

The situation between Latvia, Germany, and Russia during World War II was complex and that complexity left many Latvians vulnerable to Stalinist repression when the Soviet government first ordered deportations in 1941 and when deportations began again when Soviet occupation of Latvia returned in the October of 1944. With the signing of the German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact in 1939, the Soviet Union gained a sphere of influence over west Poland and the Baltic States. On June 16th, 1940, the Latvian government received an ultimatum from the Soviet government. The Soviet government instructed them to form a new government that would comply with the implementation a Soviet-Latvian mutual assistance pact and to allow the Red Army unrestricted entry and movement throughout Latvia or have it done so by force. The following day, June 17th, the Red Army entered Riga, the capital and the Latvian government was dissolved.
The Soviet government became concerned with resistance to their occupation of Latvia during the spring of 1941. In May 1941, Beria agreed with Stalin on a draft decree of the Council of People 's Commissars and the Communist Party and the Communist Party Central Committee “On taking action on cleansing the Lithuanian SSR of anti-Soviet, criminal and socially dangerous elements” (the Latvian and Estonian Republics were added to Lithuania at this stage of coordination.” With this decree, the Soviet government and the NKVD began drafting plans to arrest and deport

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