
The Slippery Slope Of Euthanasia

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The slippery slope argument has been ongoing in the euthanasia debate. The “slippery slope” refers to the belief that legalizing voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide will lead to undesirable outcomes. Many speculate that the legalization of involuntary euthanasia will lead to the legalization of murder. Since euthanasia is legalized in the Netherlands, some argue that it has caused a slippery slope. Now, people believe legalizing euthanasia in the United States will also cause a slippery slope. Although this may be true, there is not sufficient evidence to support this argument as the rates of euthanasia have dropped in the Netherlands since it has been legalized. Doctors try to encourage patients to undergo hospice or other types of care before resorting to euthanasia. Under strict guidelines, euthanasia can be controlled so it can benefit patients without being abused and causing a slippery slope.
For euthanasia to be effective when legalized, restrictions need to be applied. All of the states that have legalized physician assisted suicide have strict controls over who is eligible for it. A patient must be at least 18 years of age, have six or less months to live, have requested for euthanasia two times at least 15 days apart with the addition of a witness and written request, be a resident of the state, and be capable of making own decisions ( 1). These strict requirements allow euthanasia to be abused less, while still benefiting those who are

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