
The Ethics Of Non Voluntary Active Euthanasia

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The idea of non-voluntary active euthanasia is not such a disaster, as euthanasia itself. The problem that comes into consideration is when and why it should be used. When euthanasia is non-voluntary and active, such as on a patient with dementia, the ethical decision comes into play if there are episodes of clarity and the patient has or has not mentioned what they want to do at the end of life situations. Principles of deontology suggest duty and obligation. A medical professional in such situations have an obligation to fulfill the patient 's wishes. The nature of their obligation does not sway based on what they personally think. Patients with dementia have some moments of clarity, but because their brains are still deteriorating, non- …show more content…

Kant 's explanation should determine where non-voluntary active euthanasia falls on that spectrum. Morally permissible looks at what is allowed by people from a moral perspective. This differs in a different place. In the UK, euthanasia, in general, is moral. It can be broken down using Kant’s theory by saying, “why has the doctor performed non-voluntary active euthanasia, or why will the doctor perform non-voluntary active euthanasia?”. By applying Kant’s theory, a doctor performing this duty is doing so morally. A patient ridden with dementia, cannot make medical decisions. The doctor has performed this procedure because of medical obligation. The doctor will perform the procedure because of the condition of the patient. It is permissible morally because the patient himself cannot deny the obligation the doctor should perform the procedure based on the patient’s condition. For the sake of the doctor’s duty, he or she is obeying moral law based on the virtue of his or her morality. In order to fully understand why the doctor must perform the non-voluntary active euthanasia on a patient with dementia who has moments of clarity, there is another understanding that must be accomplished. If the doctor did not perform this same procedure on this same patient what would happen?

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