
The Societal Construction Of Sexual Scripts And Gendered Expectations

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“You lie so much, you have become to believe your own lies” (140). The societal construction of sexual scripts and gendered expectations produces a universal emphasis on heteronormativity. As a result, any deviance from said expectations frequently results in societal opprobrium and thus a conditioned fear for those who fail to conform to their hetero-dominant culture. In Giovanni’s Room, we encounter a young man, David, who battles with his sexuality throughout his life, even in cultures more openly accepting than his native Brooklyn. David’s own propensity for self-deception and hatred is externalized in his interactions with those who represent the sexual identify he so desperately tries to deny and repress. This active projection is crucial in understanding David’s concept of masculinity and his ingrained fear of rejection by the heternormative society that produced him. Societal and familial gender and sexual socialization play a major role in David’s persistent self-hatred. His father placed an extreme emphasis on masculinity during David’s childhood. David overhears him tell his aunt that, “all he wants for David is that he grow up to be a man” (15). The heternormative culture of Giovanni’s Room taught David that in order to be a real man, you must desire, love, and marry a woman. As a result of this gender and sexual socialization, David experiences persistent feelings of self-hatred and in order to cope with those feelings, he continually lies to himself about his

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