
The Society of New France

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The 16th century is often referred to as “The Rise of The West” by modern day historians due to the colonization and Imperial expansion of the Western world by European powers. Expeditions appointed by European monarchs to discover routes to the abundant resources in China and the Indies brought some of the first European explorers to the shores of present day Canada. French explorer Jacques Cartier was delegated the task of finding a western passage to the East and when he crossed the Atlantic and landed on the shores of present day Newfoundland in 1534 he thought he had found Asia. When Cartier inserted a cross in the soil in the Gaspé Peninsula declaring it for France he unknownly fabricated the first colony of New France. Cartier, escorted by several ships searched the Eastern coast of North America for precious goods to transport back to King François I of France to solidify backing for future expeditions. Between 1534 and 1541 Cartier made three voyages to North America each time bringing captives and furs back to France in an attempt to illustrate the wealth of these new found lands. After failed attempts to secure a permanent settlement near Stadacona (present-day Quebec City) and further failed attempts to colonize lands further south the French turned the attention to their own lands where a religious civil war was waging. It was not until over sixty years later that the French returned to North America with a new approach in mind.

After many vain

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