
The Solution to Stereotypes in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Decent Essays

As long as stereotypes remain a part of society, justice cannot be upheld due to the bias and prejudice of these misconceptions. Specifically, in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee displays the outcome of a racist and stereotypical society through the eyes of the young protagonist Jean Louise (Scout) Finch. As Scout matures, she begins to notice the myriad of flaws and imperfections within her society and as a result, Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, teaches her to look past an individual's exterior. Thus, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird displays the physical consequences of stereotypes as well as how they limit, restrict, and govern the actions of humans; ultimately, this exhibits the destructive nature of stereotypes that also …show more content…

All in all, stereotypes are destructive as they result in pain and remorse. In addition, the presence of stereotypes limit and restrict the actions and ideas of individuals. This is because stereotypes are often delusions which are regarded as the truth. Throughout the entire novel, it is evident that those who are white are kept separate from those who are black. "Lula stopped, but she said, 'You ain't got no business bringin' white chillun here--they got their church, we got our'n. It is our church, ain't it, Miss Cal?'" (119). This is significant as these racial groups do not share public areas. Fundamentally, this limits the social circles of individuals as this stereotype restricts interactions between those of a different skin colour. Furthermore, the misconception that those who are young are incapable, is problematic. Scout's teacher, Ms. Caroline Fisher said, "'We don't write in the first grade, we print. You won't learn to write until you're in the third grade'" (18). Although Scout already knew how to write, Ms. Caroline discouraged her from practicing this as she deemed Scout too young. However, by doing so, Scout is unable to mature as a person. Simply, stereotypes limit the thoughts and actions of individuals and restrict them from truly being themselves. However, the greatest flaw of human society, is allowing stereotypes to compel and dictate individual behaviour. This

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