
The Soviets And The Cold War

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After the end of World War Two, the Soviets and Americans had conflicting views on their beliefs and ideology. The Soviets supported communism, whereas the United States, and other “Big Four” allies encouraged capitalism. This caused a tense relationship to form between the two powerful countries, and led to many international affairs. These non-violent events were known as the Cold War, and one of the most important was the Berlin Airlift.
At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, Joseph Stalin leader of the USSR, Winston Churchill, prime minister of Great Britain, and Harry Truman, president of the United States, met to discuss how Germany would be split up after they had been defeated. The Soviets would take the eastern half, while the …show more content…

The Soviets and Americans clashing opinions on how the newly defeated Germany stood as one of the most important. Both the USSR and America wanted all of Germany to be united in a form of government. Stalin wanted a communist government, whereas Truman and the other Allied leaders favored capitalism. On June 5, 1945, shortly after the surrender of Germany during World War Two, the Four Power Allied Control Center (ACC), announced the division of Germany into zones to its occupants. Later that month, Lieutenant General Lucius Clay met with Soviet and British representatives to discuss how they would travel to and from Berlin, because of how deep it was within Soviet territory. They agreed on one highway and one railroad. After the British and Americans moved to their zones, they set up a governing body for Berlin known as the Kommandatura. A Soviet representative at the meeting of the Kommandatura creation declared that East Berlin would not provide food for the western sectors of the city. This was the first act against western Berlin by the Soviets, that would lead up to the blockade. Lucius Clay responded to this by stopping all industrial shipments to East Berlin, showing that Western Berlin could counter any action against them. On November 30, the ACC approved three, twenty mile wide air corridors securing access to West Berlin, which would prove necessary for the airlift to

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