
The Stags: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

When people is faced with a lack of resources, the loss of humanity will follow

Jack trudged through the thick blanket of snow that covered the ground. It came down from the sky, hard, blurring his vision. Only the white of the snow was seen. The freshly killed stag that he was dragging left distinct blood red marks in the snow from where Jack had stabbed it. Madison would be angry that a long day of hunting only brought back a measly stag. The other animals were unnerved today. Maybe the cannibals were out hunting also. If that was the case than the day could have gone a lot worse than it did. But Jack got lucky by not seeing them and catching the stag off guard. Through the white of the snow Jack could start to make out the orange glow …show more content…

All the clothes they had came from looting the stores after the weak had died off from the cold. Jack couldn’t wait for the warmth of the fire to cover him and heat up his chilling body. Now Jack could make out the silhouette of his partner Madison. He was almost there. The stag suddenly felt heavier. The sun was starting to go down. He needed to speed up. The silhouette of his partner got closer, and more vivid and detailed. The weight of the stag was getting too much to bear. He dropped the stag and fell to the ground. The snow caked his exposed face and legs from the ripped jeans and he could already feel minor effects of the frostbite on his leg, chewing away at the skin. The wind howled and danced with the snow making mini snow tornadoes on the top of the layer of snow. Jack was ready to die and fully expecting it at this …show more content…

Madison was a confident lady with a swagger to her step and authority in her voice that made almost everyone respect her. She was both physically strong and mentally. If it weren’t for the social customs set before a wobble in the earth's orbit set forth a second ice age, she would be out every day with him, hunting. Madison walked over to the hole in the floor that they converted to a water hole, cupped water in her hand, walked back over and commanded Jack to open his mouth. The cold fresh water slid easily down his throat and provided a much needed energy boost. Madison then walked over to to the stag which was roasting over the fire, all skinned and everything. The stag was probably about 213 pounds, which would provide them with food for about 1-2 days. Madison cut off a big piece of the stag and walked it over to Jack. She handed him the piece. Jack gobbled it down eagerly. After he finished he felt his muscle replenishing. He was ready to get up and try to walk. He slid the blankets off and positioned himself to get ready to try to walk. He placed his leg infected by frostbite, down first. He winced as he put pressure on his leg. Madison placed her hand on his leg. This gave him the confidence to finish placing his foot on the ground. It felt better after some more pressure, so he swung his other foot and dropped it to the floor. He extended his legs and stood fully

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