
The Stereotype Of A Smart High Achieving Asian American Student

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The model minority is a member of a minority group either based on ethnicity, race, or religion whose members are commonly perceived to achieve a higher level of success than the average population. The success that an individual reaches is typically measured by income, education, low crime rates and high family stability achieved throughout their lives. The stereotype of the model minority is commonly associated with Asian Americans as they are assumed to achieve highly in academics which will thus propel them up the economic ladder. The stereotype of a smart high achieving Asian American student is fueled by other stereotypes such as Asians being good at math and that they all go to college. The intelligence stereotypes created by society are the reason why some individuals feel pressured to succeed and feel as if failure is not as option. If its not the student who feels the pressure, than it is the parent that pushes to child to do well. So called helicopter parents, that push their children into professions or schools that the child may not want to attend, but have no choice as the school or profession will bring upon great fortune and pride to the family. The parents push upon their own ambitions and dreams onto the child and are looking out for the child 's future even if it is not necessarily the child 's desire. However, along with the idea of a child succeeding both academically and financially come the notion that the child may only excel in school. The child

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