
The Story Of Euthyphro, By Plato

Decent Essays

Holiness, given by the dictionary definition, is “specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority.” This definition is not universal; it is susceptible to the subjectivity of individuals of various beliefs and backgrounds. In the story of Euthyphro, by Plato, Socrates bombards Euthyphro with a series of difficult questions that challenge Euthyphro 's knowledge of the term “holiness.” Euthyphro claims to have “accurate knowledge of all such things” (Euthyphro, 5b); however, the nature of Socrates’s questions leaves Euthyphro’s arguments revolving in circles. The first general definition of holiness that Euthyphro provides is “what is dear to the gods is pious, and what is not is impious” (Euthyphro, 7a). This …show more content…

The meaning of this statement is deemed by both Socrates and Euthyphro to be that what is godly and pious is a “kind of service to the gods” (Euthyphro, 13d), a relationship similar to a slave serving his master. These “services” are things, such as honor and reverence, to which people provide to the gods. Socrates once again shows this statement is flawed because the key fact that the gods hold these services dear to them. Based on this, the argument can be made that what is godly and pious is what the gods hold dear to them (the services). This statement, however, is essentially a repeat of the initial definition of holiness given by Euthyphro which was already debunked as being false. As a result, their argument gained no ground and they are back where they started, leaving Euthyphro in a state of frustration. Rationale It is evident, based off of Socrates’s intense questioning, that Euthyphro’s arguments are blind and logically fallacious claims that lack any substantial evidence. The ideas that must be considered are the characteristics of Socrates’s antithesis, which resulted in the exploitation of Euthyphro’s argument, and why he asked these questions. To accurately see this, we can observe Socrates’s actions in each instance where Euthyphro changes his argument. In questioning the first definition of holiness that Euthyphro

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