
The Story Of John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

There are many reasons why George might have shot Lennie, but there is only one that makes sense based on previous conversations. George’s decision to shoot Lennie was not out of malice, but out of protection and kindness, because Lennie was so kind and innocent, and George didn’t want him to suffer.
George might have shot Lennie because if he hadn’t, then Curly would have made sure that Lennie suffered. When Curly said, “I'm gonna get him... I'll shoot 'im in the guts (96).” Curly hated Lennie so much for killing his wife that he wanted to kill Lennie, even though Lennie did not mean to harm anyone. George wanted to protect Lennie, so he found Lennie himself. But when he was still with everyone else at the ranch, Curly was so enraged that

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