
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll

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It is believed by some that we all have two sides to our personality. A good side and a bad side. According to the dictionary personality is described as “the unique combination of patterns that influence behavior, thought, motivation, and emotion in a human being.” I believe that we all have one personality however, I think certain life experiences or people can bring out our worst which to some could be considered our “bad side” of course when we have a hard day we are not going to be in the best of moods, but we are still the same person just in that moment we have a different perspective or reaction to certain things. Sometimes when we are not feeling well it can provoke negative emotions. We are human and are all born with a good and bad …show more content…

Utterson, happens to be Dr. Jekyll’s lawyer so he was completely shocked when he hears what Mr. Enfield was saying. Being that they saw Dr. Jekyll's name on the check. He could not believe it and thought the check was forged. Mr. Utterson finds this whole ordeal rather strange. Mr. Enfield explains that he waited and and personally went to the bank to see if the check was indeed written by Dr. Jekyll himself or someone else. When he finds out the the check has not been forged he becomes very suspicious. Mr. Utterson finds out that in the case of an unfortunate event that something was to happen to the doctor everything would be turned over to Mr. Hyde. This leaves Dr. Jekyll's lawyer very confused. This begins to get more interesting when the lawyer is questioning how Dr. Jekyll is associated with Mr. Hyde. He then starts to question Dr. Jekyll about this bizarre agreement in his will and lets him know that he can change it for him. Dr. Jekyll responds by telling Mr. Utterson that he can make no change. He then tells the lawyer. “ I am painfully situated, Utterson; my position is a very strange-a very strange one. It is one of those affairs that cannot be mended by talking.” (13) Mr. Utterson believes that Dr. Jekyll is somehow being blackmailed by Edward Hyde. He then tells Dr. Jekyll that he can trust him and that he can get him out of it. Dr. Jekyll kindly replies and lets him know that he is very grateful and thankful that he is willing to help him, but he would prefer that he just let it go and not to worry about his

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