
The Strength Of Justice In Ian Mcewan's Atonement

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At some point in one’s life, one will encounter a situation in which they strongly feel a certain way, but are unable to fully confirm their feelings in a provable way. Often, the strength of such convictions leads people to act rashly, projecting their views onto others until those individuals also see the light of the situation. This rashness can lead to one making decisions that will harm both oneself and those around one. The rifts that are created as a result can lead to tension and differences between individuals for years to come. More often than not, one must find a way to be forgiven for what they have done, as only then will they be able to make peace with others and themselves. In Ian McEwan’s Atonement, the injustice that Briony Tallis commits not only influences the lives of those around her but also her own, presenting the idea that in order to achieve forgiveness one must first right one’s wrongdoings and admit the truth of the situation and simultaneously revealing insight on the struggle to achieve justice. To begin, in the beginning of the novel, the imaginative and far-off Briony Tallis commits an act which demonstrates her naïvety. In seeing the “assault” that Robbie incurs on Cecilia, she immediately feels that it is her duty to serve as Cecilia’s protector and to make sure that Robbie will repent for his actions. In her view, justice can only be served if he was exposed as the “maniac” that she pegged him as. Clearly, she does not fully

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