Khutbah delivered by Imam Dr. Zijad Delic at SNMC on April 27nd, 2012 corresponding to Jumadath Thani 6th, 1433 H.
Indeed all praise is for God, Lord of the worlds.
Peace and blessings of God be upon Muhammad
(S), his family, Khulafai Rashidin, all his
Companions, and all those who follow in their footsteps until the Last Day. All praise is for God!
We praise Him. We seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek God’s refuge from evils of ourselves and from our evil actions. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except
God, alone, having no partner, and I bear witness life- before the day of Judgment-when he/she will
‘have no dinars
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How often do we hear that sentiment from the elderly in our community? The “good old days” is now only
The question of the rights of “children of Adam” is mentioned in the past tense. It is a “long-gone era”. vitally important in the sense that if we disregard them, i.e. infringe on rights of anyone or do some The days when neighbors knew each other on a other injustice to them, then God Almighty has not first name basis, when people looked out for each kept the forgiving of it in His own hands but has other, socialized together and shared common declared that amends are to be made for it in this interests and concerns, seem long gone. The pace life by referring back to the persons we have sinned of life in 21st century has become too fast and against and to give such persons their due or to furious, beating to the drum of globalization. seek their pardon, otherwise we will have to repay Traditional communities are crumbling and them in the hereafter, which indeed, will cost us relations with our neighbors are all-too-often reduced to a curt nod. very dearly.
According to the principles of Islam, the sins done Even here in the beautiful capital of Canada, many towards other people are sins that human beings of us are living side-by-side but rarely mix. Do we will have to settle with each other; God will not really know much about each other’s’ lives, our pass over these sins without doing justice. The shared hopes – or even why it is important
Sometimes there is no win-win, and we have to be willing to forgive and to move forward. Psalms 130:3 “If you, Lord kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand” (New International Version). Clearly, there is none among us who is without
In the book Rediscovering the Power of Repentance and Forgiveness, Dr. Leah Coulter seeks to challenge the conventional Christian approach to forgiveness. Conventional Christianity approaches forgiveness as a Christian duty, and, in many ways, this has been unfair to the victims who have almost been condemned for seeking justice rather than simply forgetting. She asks, "From an all too common Christian view, why must the weight and responsibility of forgiveness be placed on the sinned-against instead of the sinner's repentance?" (Coulter). Therefore, she focuses extensively on the idea of repentance and the duty of the sinner to repent. However, that is not to suggest that Coulter abandons the idea that forgiveness is a Christian imperative, but she attempts to place it within its Jewish context, and demonstrate how other facets of historical Judaism inform the practice of forgiveness and repentance.
Religiously, it is what of them will move on when they
We, the Society will form an order of how the society will stay and think as one. As we choose the steps of the future, we ask that we all accomplish what we are assigned to do. The future, we plan for. The present, we live for, and the past we will never speak of. We all have a job to do, and as we achieve them, we need to learn our ways there and back. Forget the past, and look forward to the future. We of all people need to respect and obey what we choose for society, to make it a place where we feel comfortable and safe. We all will establish to be in The Council of Scholars, the Home of the Peasants,The Palace of Mating, The Council of Vocations and more jobs. Though, we the people may be forgiven for
The presence of guilt has been felt by all human beings. As guilt grows in a
The book is neither meant to be a theological treatise nor an academic exposition but a toolkit to unleash human potentials; a resource for intervention in dealing with human life hurts and as a channel of Gods healing and liberation through Jesus Christ.
Analyse using sacred scripture and a variety of sources the principle teachings about peace in Judaism and Christianity and how these teachings impact on the life of each adherent’s tradition, as a means of achieving inner peace.
The motivation and tendency of people to forgive others remains an important topic of discussion. In today’s society most people at some period have experienced feeling of un forgiveness towards friend, or relatives. “Forgiveness was defined as the ability to relinquish of resentment towards others” (Baskin & Enright, 2004, p. 80).
situations, their guilt comes from some sort of sin, whether it be considered a sin in
The face of Islam in western society has changed in light of the recent Paris attacks on November 13, 2015. Muslims in Canada are effectively trying to distance themselves from the extremist group associated with the Paris attacks. Due to the prejudice response to the attacks, Muslim Canadians are speaking up against the extremist group ISIS as written in the article by Sheema Khan in the national newsprint ‘The Globe and Mail’. The title of this article is “In the fight against terrorism, Muslims must own their message”, The Globe and Mail, 18 November 2015 (
afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth
"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." Kahlil Gibran
The message of peace is a fundamental universal concern which is relevant throughout our world today. Peace is not merely the ‘absence of war’, but a state of mind in which a sense of tranquillity comes from actively working towards right relationships with individuals and God. To understand the way in which Muslims and Christians view peace it is imperative to understand the source of the teachings for each religion. The principles teachings of peace for Both Christianity and Islam are primarily found in the sacred texts of both religious traditions. Christianity looks to the bible and specifically the New Testament for teachings about peace, whereas Islam focuses’ on the Qur’an and Hadith to guide their beliefs of peace. These sacred
It is also vital to look at Wilson’s view on the practice of forgiveness and how if an individual decides to ignore it, it can place a road block in their process of change. She believes that God speaks about forgiveness for the following reasons:” (1) we are all sinners with whom to relate so we’ll need to become skillful forgivers (2) God makes forgiveness a centerpiece of our healing process because living in un-forgiveness is so much worse (Wilson, 2001).
Asking for forgiveness and forgiving to many is the hardest thing to do but we must remember in the book of Matthew (18:21-22) Peter said to the Lord: “Lord if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.” In this paper, the chosen case study will give the reader a better understanding of what forgiveness is to Jesus. Forgiveness is a big part of the Bible and if Jesus forgives us of our sins we too must learn to be as forgiving as him.