
The Structure Of Brain And Other Tissues Of Human Body Essay

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1. Introduction:
Neuroinflammation is inflammation responses in the nervous system. Neuroinflammation is a hallmark of all major CNS diseases. (Farooqui, 2007) In human body, inflammation in the nervous system, especially the central nervous system (CNS), can course severe diseases, for example chronic neurodegenerative conditions, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even depression(Lucas et al.,2014). The structure of brain has its own features, which course the differences between inflammation in brain and other tissues of human body. The brain has several protective mechanisms. First, its own protective shield, the blood brain barrier (BBB), and second its lack of a conventional lymphatic drainage system. Third, it has its own immunoregulatory cells that include endothelial cells, microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. These cells serve to protect and nourish the brain and to maintain its homeostasis. (Gendelman, 2002(18)). Take Alzheimer’s disease as an example, there is an association between chronic CNS inflammation and AD pathogenesis. Neuropathological studies show that a neuroinflammatory response in the cerebral neocortex parallels the early stages of AD pathology and precedes the late stage, tau-related pathology. Epidemiological and genetic studies indicate that systemic markers of the innate immunity are risk factors for late-onset AD. (Eikelenboom,2010(17)). Experimental findings

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