
The Struggle of Nora Helmer

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The Struggle of Nora Helmer In the play, A Doll House, Nora Helmer is a house wife who experiences an unexpected event with her husband, Torvald, which led to a whole new understanding of her life and what she was going to do with it. Nora would always try to do anything that she could to please her husband so that she would always keep him happy towards her and never give him a reason to leave her because she felt that she loved him so much and she would not know what to do without him. Nora would constantly lie to make sure that Torvald was happy and she would make sure that he would not find out. At the beginning of the play, Nora was being accused by Torvald of eating macaroons and she stated “You know I could never think of going …show more content…

Torvald was trying to cover up and say that it was not his fault that they had not had a serious talk because if they would have had a serious talk, it would just get Nora into problems that he has in his life. This really made Nora realize that their relationship was not real and that they did not truly care for each other and their problems like a normal couple would. Nora had also come to the conclusion that she has “lived by doing tricks” (III) for Torvald all of her the years that she has been with him and she was tired of it. This is showing that Nora is claiming that she felt like Torvalds doll wife and that she was always just there for fun for Torvald and not for being in a serious relationship with him. This made Nora realize that she was never happy when she lived with Torvald and that she wanted to leave and start a whole new life. The letter, the fighting, and Nora taking off her costume were all part of the journey that Nora had taken to realize that she was never happy with her life when she lived with Torvald and that she was ready for everything in her life to change. Torvald tries to convince Nora that she cannot leave the house because she has duties to take care of him and her children. Nora responds to Torvald by stating that she has “other duties equally sacred” (III) and Torvald questions what could be more important in her life other than himself and the children, so she explains

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