
The Study Of Breaks In Lucy's Bones

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In 1974, on an Ethiopian stream bed, Lucy an early human ancestor/australopithecus was discovered, she was alive 3.18 million years ago. In 2016 John W. Kappelman a professor of anthropology, made a hypothesis on how Lucy died. Scientist believe that Lucy saw a predator and climbed up a tree, but because Lucy was better at walking than climbing she fell out of the tree. The scientists thought this because there were breaks in her bones that were similar to injuries from falling out of a tree. Based off of a CT scan scientists have found out that there are clean breaks and intact tiny bone slivers. The very first hypothesis about how Lucy died was made 42 years after she was discovered. In social Studies we are learning about early humans like Lucy. …show more content…

Lucy had adapted to walking which made her climbing skills weaker, that could have caused Lucy to fall out of the tree. The evidence that Lucy was better at walking than climbing is: Lucy’s skeletal structure showed that she walked on two feet. On the CT scan the breaks in Lucy’s bones were very close to the breaks that orthopedists see when people break their bones from falling. In Chapter 1 we learned that humans had to adapt to many things such as climate and environment. Early humans had to adapt to walking so they could carry their food back to their family or partners. The fact that Lucy had adapted to walking and early humans had to adapt to climate and environment proves that the Universal Theme is

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