
The Teenage Brain Frances Korbert Summary

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Kolbert does not directly explain her viewpoint of terrible teens at the beginning of this article.Instead the article begins with an experiment related to mice at Temple University which are known as C57BL/6J because their responsibility is to take the experiment. We can easily analyze that this design of the beginning breaks out the tradition and attracts audience with the using of anecdote,which is original and interesting . Secondly, she uses “Half of the test mice were four weeks old, which, in murine terms, qualifies them as adolescents.....than solo girls" to conduct her metaphor strategy. ,it is an appropriate apply of metaphor to compare these mice to people of different ages,which vividly presents us how differently people in …show more content…

Mice have their society just like humans. Young people will do something stupid and risky so as to impress people around them. Scientist found the same behavior through the experiment on mice. What’s more, not only does the author use mice experiment to support her idea but also she uses the example of Frances Jensen to on the one hand strength her viewpoint and on the other hand, appeal to authority as we can see in the former of the article “ Frances Jensen is a mother, an author, and a neurologist. In The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults (HarperCollins), written with Amy Ellis Nutt, she offers a parenting guide laced with the latest MRI studies. By her account, adolescents suffer from the cerebral equivalent of defective spark plugs .......”As is mentioned above,Frances is not only a mother, but also an author and a neurologist, therefore, she possesses the authority in the above areas. She serves as a mother and could closely contact with her own children and peers; therefore, the degree of credibility has been greatly improved. She serves as an author which means that she has done professional

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