
The Terror Of The United States

Decent Essays

The history of Terrorism in the United States is extensive, with present day being focused mainly on Islamic Terrorist groups and extremists. There have been 2,608 total attacks and 226 fatal attacks in the United States between 1970 and 2011. There have been attacks from within the United States from our own people and attacks that originated from abroad. Religion, political agendas, instilling fear and protesting policy have all been motives of terrorists throughout history. Terrorists will use any means necessary to promote their cause and to receive worldwide recognition and media attention from their acts. Terrorism can also be used, especially in regards to religion, to enforce a system of belief, opinion or viewpoint. The …show more content…

The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski, Tennessee. The Klan is organized as a brotherhood or fraternity and has state and national organization. It is estimated that there are roughly 2,500 and 6,000 members across the United States. The Klan’s main purpose is to stop de-segregation, with this coming after black men were given the right to vote in 1870. The Klan used many intimidation tactics to frighten blacks including, burning crosses in the lawns of black people, beating, raping, arson and lynching. In 1871 congress outlawed the group. Then in 1915 they started up again but as a paramilitary group. In the south the Klan had great political power, especially in the 1920s. This group also failed and eventually collapsed. During World War 2 however, the group came back to life and carried out a number of high profile acts during the 1960s to protest civil rights changes.
In 1930, when the Great Depression hit, the Klan also took a hit with their membership numbers going down and the group temporarily shut down in 1944. In the 1960s, the civil rights movements started which began Klan activity again across the south. The cases of Klan related violence started to significantly decrease in the decades to come. The Klan was estimated to have between 6,000 and 10,000 members in the 1990s, with most of them residing in the deep south. In the late 1990s and early 2000s the Klan took aim at immigrants, particularly Hispanics, who were coming

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