
The Testing Book Summary

Decent Essays

SUMMARY The reviewer, known as “Mitch”, on argues that the dystopian novel, The Testing, written by Joelle Charbonneau, is an unoriginal concept based on The Hunger Games trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins. This unoriginality essentially turns this reviewer away from the book. “Mitch” starts off by stating that The Testing, as well as other dystopian novels, models The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins. His criticism lies in the fact that Charbonneau essentially “ripped off” the style of The Hunger Games. Rather than directly criticize the book, “Mitch” lays out a “how to write” in four steps, which each illustrate themes and topics that he felt should be included if one were to want to write a book that is like The Hunger Games. His categorization brings an attention to details of the book that a reader may or may not have spotted. It also brings more validity to his argument.
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I agree that the book does have a style that is very similar to, if not the same as, The Hunger Games. This does not however take away from the action of the book. While reading the novel, I found myself gravitating towards Cia, as she went through the various phases of what was collectively known as The Testing. In fact, comparing the two novels, I enjoyed reading The Testing in relation to The Hunger Games. The “shallow romance” added a twist to the novel, in that it showed that love can overcome the circumstances in which Cia and Tomas found themselves in. I believe that “Mitch” may have over exaggerated and did not even give himself the opportunity to pick up and analyze the book. I also believe that if he would have done so, then his argument would have more validity to it, instead of

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