
The Theme Of Dreams In The Crossover

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In The Crossover written by Kwame Alexander, there are many themes that readers can find in the novel. One of the themes is that dream is very important for one to live a better life. This is also the theme in the poem Dreams written by Langston Hughes. Having one’s own dream is very important because the process of achieving the dream is more of value than the result itself. Dreams can enrich people’s lives and lighten their inside world. In The Crossover, Josh Bell is fond of playing basketball and his dream is to go to the University of Duke. In order to reach his goal, he practices so hard in school and home. “I let him win and get ready to practice harder,” (Alexander 57). The coach says one who runs the fastest does not need to practice. Josh Bell is the quickest on the team; however, he deliberately lets Vondie win. This is because he wants to practice more and become stronger than anyone else on the team. It is an example of how Josh tries to make his dream come true. In the process of realizing his dreams, Josh not only improves his basketball skills, but he also fulfills his life by making friends with his teammates. In the poem Dreams, the writer says that “Hold fast to dreams/ For when dreams go/ Life is a barren field/ Frozen with snow,” (Hughes 5-8). These lines show that dream is what brings people joy of life. If one does not have his own dream to realize, one will not feel any passion in life. According to the two pieces of text, dream lightens people’s

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