
The Theme Of George In Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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George is a character of a strong guy who have to take care of his friend, Lennie. George is a tough and efficient person as described in the book as “small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes” (Steinbeck, 1994). To most people he is viewed as an experienced or even a wise person. His intelligence and quick response might be partly from his duty to take care of Lennie. There were many scenes in which George warns Lennie not to do this and that, since he could predict what is coming of Lennie’s action. The theme for George are friendship, dream, freedom and sacrifice. George transformed from having Lennie by his side to getting the freedom he always wanted. George plays a significant role in unfolding the story. He had great effect …show more content…

George friendship with Lennie is a potent bond; they are like family members. George might be constitute as a brother who is always teaching his little brother. Sure they would bicker at each other or say that they are better off without the other party, but in the end they would cater the other party with the best things available. According to George and Lennie’s dream statement (Steinbeck, 1994) “But not us! … because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you” give a strong impact and a chance for readers to relate to these …show more content…

There were not much sense of friendship until the Sacramento River incident. After that George became a loyal friend to Lennie; taking all the responsibilities to take care of Lennie. Together they builds up hopes and dream, to finally have something they could called their own. The friendship peaked when George decided to kill Lennie to prevent him from Curley’s cruel action. George let Lennie picture their dream as if it was real before killing Lennie. When Lennie died the special bond died with him. Their dream was crushed. George no longer have anyone whom he could trust. The responsibilities that weigh on him has disappear. However, he is not as liberating as he thought he would be when he told Lennie. A clue is when George told Candy that “I’ll work my month an’ I’ll take my fifty bucks an’ I’ll stay all night in some lousy cat house” (Steinbeck, 1994). In the book there is a hint that George might become friend with Slim, who have the same mentality as him. They both wonder why people are so distanced to each other. Plus Slim is the first person that George trust enough to told about what happened in

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