
The Theme Of Sin In Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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In The Color Purple, written by Alice Walker, uses a female heroine named Celie in the Southeastern corner of the United States. Through Celie, Alice Walker portrays the thematic subject of sin and deceit by explaining her life through a series of letters. Although her life was very difficult, she was able to find a way to get through it and become stronger. She figures out through her journey of trials and tribulations that sin can be the downfall and destruction of a person as an individual, and it can also affect other people’s lives as well in either a positive or negative reaction.
The first sin that happened to Celie was the rape that occurred when she was fourteen. James Hall, author of the article “Towards a map of mis(sed) reading: The presence of absence in The Color Purple”, wrote “The victim of incest, Celie had told her mother upon the birth of her child that it was ‘God's’” which is another act of sin that was committed in the story. Even though the children that were taken from Celie ended up in a nice wholesome family, which is later found out to be the missionaries that Nettie went to Africa with, it is still wrong to take baby away from its mother. It has actually been scientifically proven that if a baby is not picked up and loved in the average span of two weeks then the baby will die. If Celie’s step dad made a decision a little more drastic and gave the baby to some random person who didn’t know what they were doing, then things would have probably

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