
The Theory Of Crime And Delinquency

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In the field of criminology there has been certain theories that can articulate the role that society puts on why crime happens. People in society tend to blame delinquent peers, subcultures, and parenting socialization for most of the crime that takes place in the world. This outlook on crime can be resembled to the biosocial theory. According to Crime and Delinquency, by Larry Siegel the biosocial theory is, “An approach to criminology that focuses on the interaction between biological and social factors as they relate to crime.” Thus exploring the biological aspects of the nervous, which is a state of anxiousness before acting on something, exploring the biochemical and genetic function and how those can be influenced by ones social environment and social factors (PsychologyDictionary). This topic interest me the most because its psychological and social aspect of how genetics and the environment one grows up in can contribute to his or her criminal involvement.
As we learn about this in class it makes sense on how some factors can play into how a criminal becomes a criminal. In recent studies criminologist have found a trend that can reveal that people can have certain behaviors that are developed through both biological and social demeanors in life. It also shows the importance of how genetics can factor into the understanding of the different types of antisocial behaviors in a person. Where that can lead to what someone does in the future.


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