
The Theory Of Cultural Moral Relativism

Better Essays

Michael Atefi
Professor Walker
29 September 2015
First Exam
1.) The theory of cultural moral relativism is based on the beliefs that it is arrogant to judge the moral codes of other cultures and that people should be tolerant towards the practices of other cultures (Rachels 19). By holding these beliefs, the theory implies that all cultures are equal and should be treated as such. Cultural moral relativism is also based on the idea that there is no universal truth in ethics (Rachels 18). If a certain standard exists in a society, that standard is right (at least in that society). The only way that a person can be right is if they follow the moral codes of the society that they are apart of (Rachels 22). Moral codes vary from culture to culture. Therefore, the metaphysical assumptions and metaethical implications of cultural moral relativism are that morality is relative and there is no such thing as objective moral facts. According to James Rachels, there are three problematic consequences that result from adopting the theory of cultural moral relativism. One of the problematic consequences that result from adopting the theory of cultural moral relativism is that people would not be able to determine if the customs of other cultures are morally inferior to the customs of their own culture. This is problematic because people are inclined to criticize the customs of other cultures so that they can determine whether their practices are right or wrong. By adopting

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